Monday- Friday: 8.30am-7pm Saturday: 8.30am-4pm *Available via telephone until 4pm* Sunday: CLOSED
Ultrasound can be particularly helpful as many animals can be scanned without the need for sedation or anaesthetic. We routinely ultrasound abdomens and perform full heart workups.
Pregnancy scans can be booked and clients are welcomed to stay and watch.
Ultrasound is often an invaluable tool in making an accurate diagnosis and the variety of different probes that we have at the surgery means we can ultrasound almost any size and shape of animal.
High quality digital images are produced on screen seconds after the exposure has been taken. Copies of the images are saved on-site and copies can be sent home with owners for their own records.
This facilitates quick turnaround times and aids in our in-patient monitoring and is especially beneficial to our emergency cases. We are able to analyse blood, urine and skin samples to facilitate a quick diagnosis for our patients. We work closely with several external laboratories for more complicated tests and aim to get most results back within 5-7 working days.